by Greg Bryant
Tax Incentive Programs in the Caribbean
By: Greg Bryant, CPA/Attorney Imagine, if you will, you live in California or New York City where your income tax rate is over 40% (federal and state). However, imagine then that you could move to another state, keep your US citizenship, and lower your tax rate to under 4% (federal and state). Would that be interesting? Well, here is how you can do it. The United States territories...
by Greg Bryant
Tax Planning for Exports: IC-DISC Primer
By: Greg Bryant esq./CPA and Sarah Frazier, Esq. Although it has been in existence since 1971, the Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation (“IC-DISC”) planning opportunity is often-overlooked. Since IC-DISCs began, IC-DISCs have been upstaged by a host of alphabet tax incentive regimes: Foreign Sales Companies (“FSCs”), Domestic Production (“DPD”), and Foreign Intangible...
by Greg Bryant